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International Council Of Nurses Congratulates First Cohort Of Graduates From Global Nursing Policy Leadership Institute
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The first International Council of Nurses’ (ICN) Global Nursing Policy Leadership Institute Programme (GNPLI) concluded on 15 September with the graduation of 27 nurse leaders from 19 countries
Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Gambia, Guyana, Iraq, Kenya, Malawi, Malta, Nepal, Norway, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia.
GNPLI builds on ICN’s impressive legacy of working with senior nurses from around the world to increase their leadership understanding and expertise. The successor of the renowned Global Nursing Leadership Institute, which ICN ran from 2009 to 2016, this new ICN initiative was conceived in response to the changing needs of nurse leaders to support them in their efforts to shape and influence policy to meet growing global health challenges.
The GNPLI aims to enhance the effectiveness of current and future nursing leaders in bringing about policy changes that lead to health improvement, through increasing their political and policy competence.
Jainaba Sey-Sawo, a 2017 GNPLI participant from Gambia, said “Sessions are very good and interactive. It was one of my dreams to be here, I feel blessed.”
“Best time in my life, and it was an honor to be with this group”, added Michelle Gunn, from Australia
GNPLI 2017 is a five-month programme including an Induction Module from July to September 2017, a Residential Workshop of one week in September, and an Implementation Module from September to November 2017. The residential programme, which was held at the Chateau de Bossey outside Geneva, Switzerland, was facilitated by Professor Jill White, ICN Associate Director, Global Education and Professor Jane Salvage, ICN GNPLI Programme Director. Guest lecturers included Annette Kennedy, ICN President; Howard Catton, ICN Director, Nursing and Health Policy; Dame Christine Beasley, Trustee of the Burdett Trust for Nursing, United Kingdom, and Chair of the Health Education North Central and East London Board; and Dr Grażyna Wójcik, President, Polish Nurses Association and former Chief Nursing Officer, Ministry of Health, Poland.
“The GNPLI 2017 exceeded our highest hopes - 27 committed senior nurses completed the programme with action plans to begin upon their return to their home countries” said Professor Jane Salvage, the GNPLI Programme Director, and Professor Jill White, ICN Associate Director global Education.
ICN is grateful for the support of the Burdett Trust for Nursing, the State of Geneva and the World Health Organization, as well as to the Taiwan Nurses Association and the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan for providing bursaries.
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